Monday, 1 March 2010

dress of the day

Today I'm wearing one of my all time fave vintage dresses. It's from the great store K in Copenhagen, well one of them (the one on Studiestræde 32). It's been far too long since I visited, so I honestly don't know if they're still there, but I sure hope so. I used to visit Copenhagen about twice a year since one of my best friends lives there, and even though it's been a bit expensive I've always done amazing shopping there. This dress is probably at least 6-7 years old, and it has served me well. It had long sleeves and a different collar/neckline, which I changed straight away, and also took it in a bit on the sides to make a better fit. Black, red and white always works I'd say! And I think the scattered floral/birdlike pattern looks Asian enough too.

Probably unlike most people, I've always been fond of polyester as dress material. The colours last really well even if the items are really old, and I like the fit you get, i.e. it's stretchy! When you're curvey like me perfect fits are hard to come by, and polyester is very forgiving in my eyes. It's also a nice warm fabric, which is good for Swedish weather most of the year, and it looks good with tights, which I like wearing. The only downside to vintage polyester dresses is that I can't really wear them in South Africa, it's just too hot, but fortunately I've got enough cotton dresses to manage just fine. And of course it's a complete luxury to have almost two sets of wardrobes, one on each side of the world! Still I've never managed to travel light ...


  1. nice blog! i love the dress!

  2. Unfortunately you won't be able to wear your polyeter dresses even in Sweden when you get older. But, perhaps you're not a sweaty person...
