Saturday, 8 January 2011

a bundle of leaves

I'm not really that comfortable doing outfit shots, as you probably can tell by my stiff posture, but I thought this brand new dress deserved one. So here you go. The dress was a find from Humana the other day, where a lot of things were half off so I only paid 75 kronor for it. I have a thing for leaves, I'm sure I've mentioned that before, and this dress felt spring-y to me. And if there's something I'm longing for now, it sure is spring. I'm so sick of the walls of snow everywhere, and never being able to walk properly because it's so icy on the streets. Anyway, back to the dress, which is a little bit lighter polyester and I'm guessing it's 60's or 70's, but hardly worn because it feels brand new. I'm very much in love with it!

A close-up on the fabric, and my very first brooch, as it happens. Quite a lot of years ago I was at my maternal grandmother's place, where I found this lovely piece of art from the 60's. She said she wanted me to have it, since she never used it anymore, which I was very grateful for. It's still the brooch I use the most, and sort of the start of a small collection I guess you might say.

These beauties are also a result of some shopping this week, still spending christmas money on myself. I found them at the vintage store Brandstationen (The Fire Station) at Krukmakargatan here in Stockholm, but they are not vintage. I don't know what the brand is, but there were some other just as lovely earrings and you can see some of them in their webstore here. These cost 350 kronor, a little bit more than I usually spend on jewellery, but I just couldn't leave them behind and I'm sure my mother-in-law would approve of this christmas gift from her to me. I've also realised I'm getting a little bit obsessed with marcasite jewellery, which I up until very recently didn't even know what it was. I'll have to get back to you when I've decided if it's a good or a bad thing ...

On a final note I just wanted to show you how incredibly beautiful my amaryllis turned out, this morning two gigantic flowers had burst into bloom. There are at least three more buds, so I hope I can enjoy it for some time now, maybe not until spring, but almost.

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