I don't only buy vintage dresses, I buy tops and bottoms too. Here are some finds of late that have made winter a bit easier. First up a really nice 50's cardigan from a comic book store (!) down the road from my office. One window display in the store is filled with vintage stuff, usually really cheap. I only paid 60 kronor for this, and except for a tiny tear at the end of one sleeve it's in excellent condition. I try to walk past as often as I can remember, to see if they've got anything new, but so far this is actually the only thing I've ever bought there.
Here's one my favorites this winter, a warm white wrap cardigan, that complements so many of my vintage dresses these awfully cold days of the year. I tend to mostly wear black cardigans, so it's nice with some change from the dark. Found it at Stadsmissionen (charity shop) for 40 kronor.
A mint green cutie with sequins, also from Stadsmissionen, also 40 kronor. I've got a soft spot for mint green things, but rarely find the exact right shade that I like. Not the horrible 80's shade, but rather the pale 50's one. This one is perfect.
And if the white cardigan is my fave new top this season, this tweed skirt is definitely my fave new bottom. It's got the perfect length and a perfect fit and I just love it. And if you can believe it: it only cost 20 kronor at Stadsmissionen! Score! If you're ever in Stockholm Stadsmissionen is a good place for vintage bargains, and they've got stores all over town. All skirts are 20 kronor and sweaters/cardigans 40 kronor. Dresses usually vary between 80 and 120 kronor depending on condition and style.
Also invested in a nice classic school girl wool skirt, because I couldn't resist this colour combination. 60 kronor, thank you very much Myrorna (Salvation Army). I know I'm many years from being a school girl, but who's counting?
Disclaimer: I'm fully aware of the fact that a lot of the things I buy are not strictly vintage, but rather thrifted. I just can't be bothered using different words for different things, as this isn't an academic blog or anything. Either you care or you don't. I certainly don't. You say tomato, I say tomat. In Swedish that is. I do speak mostly Swedish during the day, at work, and go home to switch to my domesticated English with my husband. He doesn't care if I call it vintage or thrifted either, but he does think I'm bringing too many things home. I won't argue with that.
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